Naval Ops Wiki

Naval Ops Warship Gunner[]

  • Wirbelwind (A-10) - Super High-Speed Cruiser (Though more like a battleship as its deck guns are BB class)
  • Trollslegur (2nd time through) (A-10) - Advanced Laser-Armed Battleship
  • Dreadnought (B-08) - Large Submarine
  • Archeopteryx (B-10) - Huge Jet Aircraft
  • Nautilus (2nd) - Clone of the Dreadnought, but more deadly
  • Harima (C-07) - Large Twin Hulled Battleship
  • Strumwind (2nd) - More advanced and deadlier version of the Wirbelwind
  • Arahabaki (C-10) - Large Battleship, has ramming drill at front and side drills
  • Amaterasu (2nd) - Clone of the Arahabaki, slightly more deadlier
  • Dual Crater (D-03) - Large Landing craft, though built like a twin hulled BB and launched a lot of PT's
  • Habukkuk (D-09) - Large ice carrier
  • Musspellheim (2nd) - First Part Large Battle carrier, 2nd part Large Battleship
  • Druna Skass (D-10) - Large Advanced Battleship, usual near - end game boss, equipped with Wave Gun Weapon
  • Silfurbor Negla (2nd) - The usual "Invincible" boss, like Druna Skass but more Deadly, equipped with Breac Wave Gun Weapon

Naval Ops Commander[]

This game includes many of the bosses from Warship Gunner 1 (although some are relocated, except for the Whirbelwind), with 1 or 2 additions.

  • Wirbelwind (A-10) - Super High-Speed Cruiser (Though more like a battleship as its deck guns are BB class)
  • Dreadnought (B-10) - Large Submarine
  • Nautilus (B-Beta) - Clone of the Dreadnought, but more deadly
  • Archeopteryx () - Huge Jet Aircraft
  • Dual Crater (C-10) - Large Landing craft, though built like a twin hulled BB and launched a lot of PT's
  • Strumwind (D-4) - More advanced, deadly version of the Wirbelwind
  • Trollslegur () - Advanced Laser-Armed Battleship
  • Brillodein (D-10) - Massive UFO
  • Musspellheim () - First Part Large Battle carrier, 2nd part Large Battleship
  • Harima () - Large Twin Hulled Battleship
  • Arahabaki (E-10) - Large Battleship, has ramming drill at front and side drills
  • Amaterasu () - Clone of the Arahabaki, slightly more deadlier
  • Habukkuk (F-08) - Large ice carrier
  • Druna Skass (F-9) - Large Advanced Battleship, usual near - end game boss, equipped with Wave Gun Weapon
  • Druna Skass II (F-10/G-10) - A mid-point between Druna Skass ans Silfurbor Negla, equipped with Breac Wave Gun Weapon, re-encountered as a Bonus Boss
  • Silfurbor Negla (*F-Beta) - The usual "Invincible" boss, like Druna Skass but more Deadly, equipped with Siorc Wave Gun Weapon
  • Arahabaki II (G-9) - Bonus Boss / Arahabaki with 2 Forward Drills
    Replaces Druna Skass II as the Final Boss IF: You sink the Druna Skass in *F-9 with an A or S Rank.

Naval Ops: Warship Gunner 2[]

  • Does NOT show up on regular F section it shows up on *F section, A.K.A: "Replay Mode" the Difference between the Regular stages and the * Stages is that the * Stages are harder.