Naval Ops Wiki

Bishop II Bishop II 19 October 2012

Guess who's come back from the biggest procrastination ever.

Time to get to work... hopefully.

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Queen Armada Queen Armada 26 March 2012

RC battleships RC battleships is a game they play with a clubhouse on a pond.They fight each other and blast BB's on competing ships.RC battleships would be awesome if you could use masonry to build a game out of RC battleships and build mini lakes with water ways,props for cities and ports with bases.Then for planes to fly out from carriers but they would need to be miniature.Interact RC planes get them small for a carrier.To make a game when the course has been designed.RC warships collect them to stock up their fleets.Planes to a video game of RC battleships.And a carrier with planes select any variations of WW planes to 20th Century planes.Planes then would play a game to get points and damage.The RC ships would be in no…

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Bishop II Bishop II 24 February 2012


Just Finished the Wave Gun Page. Took quite a while, but there we go.

Leave me a comment if you feel like it.

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Bishop II Bishop II 24 February 2012

Here I am.

I'm now here to rock this server!

You may see me in the editing space sooner or later.

.....And that's it, I believe.

Anyhow, I hope to see you around.

Bishop II signing out!

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Queen Armada Queen Armada 1 February 2012

The mysteries of Naval ops technology

Naval Ops has really interesting technology that needs to be explained in more detail and longer pages.Explain what Krypton lasers and these go with 15inch guns and the works,AA machineguns and needs the smaller turrets with the bigger AA main guns.Ordinance is a current and to maybe add electric arc.The railguns,tower railgun and types of ships like supership.They types of atomic engines.There is alot to be explained as the guided burst plasma gun of current.How and what is a burst plasma gun?How does it work and what is it.This wiki could be 20pages and more.A game using battleships but what about earning credits to buy a cruiser design,light cruiser,destroyer,frigate design metallurgy,submarines to make it more fun.Dreadnaughts and batt…

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IceBite IceBite 14 July 2011

What a mess......

Looks like this place can use a little cleaning up.

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